Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Heylo everyone, I'm Lauren. I'm a sophomore majoring in psychology and minoring in Human Development. I absolutely love reading, especially fantasy..my bookshelf is full of Mercedes Lackey, Jacqueline Carey, Christopher Paolini, Tolkien, Rowling, Anne McCaffrey, and the list goes on and on (and on).

I think the term fantasy is actually widely overused as just a blanket description for writing that doesn't fit under any other category. I mean, if we're using fantasy just to describe something that couldn't happen in real life, pretty much all fiction would need to be reclassified. Sure there's nothing otherworldly or make believe in that genre, but I know that I personally have read certain fiction books which made me go, uh yeah, I'm sure that happened - The Da Vinci Code is a perfect example. To me, though, fantasy encompasses a little more than suspension of reality. There is this air about the story that suggests some sort of kinship to your life, but it's clear that this is something you could never come close to touching. It's fantasy precisely because it's not part of your everyday world.

So personally, I don't think weird 900 numbers, cult TV shows, and random conversations about cannons deserve the title of fantasy, or at least not good fantasy. Everyone, of course, is entitled to disagree with me, but that's my personal opinion on this first book.


Blogger Tara said...

I agree, Magic for Beginners doesn't really fit the fantasy genre very well. I really want to stick under absurdist drama, but it's not a play. 'Course, I really like absurdist drama, so maybe it's a good thing this doesn't fit...

8:48 AM  
Blogger Nick said...

yeah i thought this was one of the stranger stories (not that all of them aren't)...but still, every one that i have read i have enjoyed it by the end, no matter how weird i thought it was going to be

6:42 PM  
Blogger Nick said...

and by "this one," i mean lull

6:43 PM  

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