Another Intro
Hey everyone, I'm Joel.
I am a Senior in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (I make swords, axes, superalloys, and nano-computers haha.) I like fantasy, but I haven't been much of a reader since I got to college ( does that to you.) I have of course read some of the basics, like The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, the Silmarillion (my personal favorite), and Wicked (if that counts,) and I am a fan of Spritied Away as well as the slightly-darker Princess Mononoke.
I think that a fantasy tale is defined by two special aspects:
1. An un-natural world with unexplainable magic that often involves swords, and that defies our current knowledge of science in a steady manner.
2. An overlying sense of a Greater Evil and a Lesser Good. Evil in these stories is usually all powerful and very identifeable, and good is shown as somewhat of an underdog and an unknown (at least at first.)
I am a Senior in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering (I make swords, axes, superalloys, and nano-computers haha.) I like fantasy, but I haven't been much of a reader since I got to college ( does that to you.) I have of course read some of the basics, like The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, the Silmarillion (my personal favorite), and Wicked (if that counts,) and I am a fan of Spritied Away as well as the slightly-darker Princess Mononoke.
I think that a fantasy tale is defined by two special aspects:
1. An un-natural world with unexplainable magic that often involves swords, and that defies our current knowledge of science in a steady manner.
2. An overlying sense of a Greater Evil and a Lesser Good. Evil in these stories is usually all powerful and very identifeable, and good is shown as somewhat of an underdog and an unknown (at least at first.)
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