I haven't finished the book yet, but so far Catskins has been the darkest of the stories for me. At first I thought it was more in line with my idea of what a typical fantasy story consists of. There were witches and a quest of sorts. But of course, that's not how it turned out exactly. It wasn't my favorite of the stories (I think that title belongs to Stone Animals as of now), but it was pretty interesting. The cat massacre at the begining was a bit disturbing and Small seemed to be suffering from some intense odepial desires toward the end. I give it a marginal thumbs up. So, how did you all like it?
I'm not quite sure what to think about it. I think that Small is a very disturbed young man and that the whole story was a strange piece of fiction. Frankly, any character who would listen to a cat named Mother's revenge probably should be murdered at the soonest available time. He reminded me slightly of Ralph from the Simpsons because they both listen to an avatar of sorts that tells them to maim, destroy, burn, etc.
An infamous real-life example of someone listening to disturbing voices is serial killer David "Son of Sam" Berkowitz, now serving multiple life sentences and running a prison ministry. He claimed to have killed on the orders of a demonically possessed Labrador named Harvey.
I'm not entirely sure what the point of this story was. However, I think it's probably my favorite so far, despite the very, very negative point of cat-slaughter.
Meh, cat slaughters happen. Better for a gruesomely-assembled cat suit than by a gang of hungry possums -- which happened at my house back home a few years ago.
That said, I really enjoyed this one and this book. Link's dream logic is very nice, somewhere near Gaiman except with more wry wit and less of a need to explain.
I read an earlier post that complained about it a little bit. That's the good stuff about this -- you get to fill in the blanks, if you want to.
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