Thursday, January 11, 2007

Introducing Myself

Hi everyone! My name is Tiffiny Harris. I am a second semester Junior and my studies are Communicative Disorders (major) and Biology (minor.) I used to read all of the time before I started college and actually had to start studying for class and reading chapters in textbooks. I haven't read much fantasy besides Stephen King's books. Of course I've seen all of the Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, all of the Disney movies, and Lord of the Rings movies like we talked about in class, but that is about it. As for taking a stab at the fantasy genre, I thought that it mostly displays feats that are not possible in our natural world of scientific fact. Most fantasy includes elements such as magic, mythical creatures, and supernatural events. Almost always there is a good versus evil storyline attached that the reader is able to relate to. I look forward to actually being able to read things not in a textbook and learning more about the fantasy genre in literature.


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