Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Another thin place is revealed in "Agate" (Don't open till you're done!)


Blogger Nick said...

I definitely know what I want my paper topic to be now...and here it is...the thought that the water (and the areas surrounding said water) is a thin area. This story is very similar to "The Trentino Kid," except that the ending isn't exactly happy. Marsha is presumably killed at the end of the story instead of having her life turned around by a near death experience on the water. I definitely want to find some other stories with this common thread, because it seems to me that there are many out there. I was also a little confused about what the seven figures (or shells or whatever they were) represent...so if anyone has any comments on the story or if they know of other stories in which water plays a major role in fantasy fiction...please...bring it on!

11:20 PM  
Blogger Andy Duncan said...

Given that both "The Trentino Kid" and "An Incident at Agate Beach" are short stories, it might be interesting to look at the same water-as-thin-place theme in a movie. THE SECRET OF ROAN INISH is the best movie on the theme I know of. "An Incident at Agate Beach" is interesting in comparison to Ron Howard's Tom Hanks/Daryl Hannah comedy SPLASH. But merfolk, in particular, are showing up everywhere at the multiplex lately -- in the PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN movies, in LADY IN THE WATER, in AQUAMARINE. I wonder why.

1:55 PM  

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