Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Coffins on the River

I really enjoyed this story and book. It has been my favorite of the readings so far.
After the first few pages of "Coffins on the River", I thought I had a real dud. But it shaped up a lot after they took the ayahuasca. The part where they were being chased by Gerry in the woods was pretty suspenseful. I really liked the fact that the heros of the story, two over-the-hill pot-heads- pretty far from the typical hero archtype. In the afterword, Jeffrey Ford talks about how by most standards, these two guys woud be considred losers. It was also interesting that they went into the vision for selfish reasons, to find insiration for their work, but it ended up that the vision used them for its own puropose- to save the girl.

Here is a link to the wikipedia page for ayahuasca:


Blogger Keith Weber said...

I agree with them being heroes. I don't care that they're washed up, doped up, or old for that matter. The point is that they tried and did their best when it counted. I was glad to see that.

12:57 PM  

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