having now read most of the empire of ice cream i've decided that "Night in the Tropics" and "Jupiter's Skull" are probably my two favorites because i enjoyed how the tales were told as well as the endings in both which tied everything together, something that has been lacking in previous books like some stories from magic for beginners...least favorite was the long one, "Botch Town." to me it simply drug on too long, i feel like it could have been a great story in half the amount of pages, and while all the vivid descriptions he threw in were great, i really just wanted to focus on the meat of the story, which is a really cool idea, he just took too long to explain it...and if anybody has any interesting thoughts on "Jupiter's Skull" just let me know
I really liked the first four, and then Boatman's Holiday. After that, they started to make less and less sense, which rather annoyed me. I can't really decide which was my favorite, though. I liked the kind of psycho-drama feel that Jupiter's Skull, Night in the Tropics, and Man of Light had, but I also thought the halfway-between-religious-and-psychological premises of Boatman's Holiday and The Green Word were interesting.
I liked the resolution in The Tropics as well. The mural remained a central theme in the story. His stories are really vivid and capturing. I was kind of surprised by the sex scene in Jupiter's Skull though, it was just kind of bizarre how they became Jupiter and Ms. Strellop although intriguing.
"Jupiter's Skull", "Boatman's Holiday", and "The Annals of Eelin-Ok" were probably my favorites.
I liked most of the stories. I really liked boatman's holiday, though. It seemed like a perfect way to introduce paradise into hell. All you have to do is write it in.
The Green Word was my favorite. Classic Ordered Society Vs. Freedom kinda thing. Rage Against the Machine if you will. It was also the most purely fantastical, I thought. It was almost like a Shamanistic version of the Matrix, haha. I also liked Jupiter's Skull.
ok no one has said anything about what is obviously the best story (but maybe i'm biased because it was the one i was assigned). but "The Trentino Kid" was really enjoyable and as I said in class I loved the way the sea was represented as a place closer to the fantasy world than most other places. if you've ever spent time at a marina or a boat yard, you run into sketchy old guys who tell you the strangest stories and you can tell they actually believe them...and i'm sure that once you are on the water for years and years...you would start to believe them yourself
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