ok still finishing empire of ice cream but...
just to let you all know if you haven't heard...harry potter and the deathly hallows is going to be released july 21st...that is eight days after the order of the phoenix hits theaters...apparently j.k. rowling has said that two main characters are going to die in the final installment of the book...and this got me thinking about death in fantasy novels...it seems that although no one wants their favorite characters to die in series like these...death takes these novels back down to earth...it makes the books more realistic and helps the reader to relate to the story...when dumbledore died at the end of the sixth book...i completely forgot about the story not being real...dumbledore was the seminal character of the series in my opinion...and the emotions malfoy was experiencing when he was trying to kill dumbledore are some of the most realistic points of the book...so anyway...i just wanted to make some points on why the harry potter series is so successful and how other fantasy novels make waves...it brings real life emotions into the fantasy world and the brilliance of rowling lies in the way she spins the two without the reader noticing.
I was more upset with Dumbledore's death than any real-life person's I know of. I guess that is bad, but I have "known" him since the 6th grade, so maybe not that bad. But I am very excited about the new book.....I can't beleive it is coming to a close.
i've never been much into fantasy but harry potter i love, i realize that's probably a very cliched statement, but the characters go through real life experiences in a fantastic world that i can actually identify with in most cases...i agree the dumbledore's death is certainly one that hits hard just because jk rowlings gets her readers so connected with the characters, which has always been my favorite part of any book
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