Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell: the Movie
So I was curious the other day, and swung by and did a search for Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. While it's only in pre-production at this point, and there's no cast announcement, there are still the forums where lots of other people are already discussing the same things we did in class. You have to register to see them but that's easy enough done. What really surprised me most is that everyone else seems to be discussing a lot of the same names we brought up to play various characters. I feel validated. ;)
any mention of Johnny Depp as Strange?
Unfortunately, in all likelihood it was simply bought just to have the rights so no one else will have them. It is incredibly unlikely that an 800 page novel about Napoleonic era magicians could get made into a viable movie. It seems like it would be hard to sell to an investor, even though the book is a best seller I don't know if it would be a good movie. So much of the book is based on word play and turn of phrase and it would end up being ungodly long or else comprimise some element of the book.
Ultimately I'll file this one under the same category as The Watchmen, things I loved but could not stand having a movie made of them because it couldn't do the source material justice (damn you Zack Snyder!)
i think if it does go to film, S&N will be a heavily 'adapted' film, perhaps relying on major events and characters to continue the story line. which, in effect, will give us the classis 'i read the book and the movie sucked' vs ' never heard of the book but the movie as awesome' complex.
I'll go see it!
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