i wasn't really sure what to blog about this week so i thought i'd point out a cool detail in one of my favorite parts of the novel. in the scene where we see lady pole dancing at the ball...i loved all the details about the clothes and costumes, especially the dress made totally of was details like this that despite making this novel 1006 pages also add so much to the picture i create in my head while reading
that would be an awesome dress to show in the movie.. :) in fact, the wardrobe/costume department for the movie is going to be hella crazy :)
My goodness, is your edition 1,006 pages? My hardcover is only 782.
A colleague once sent me a copy of his new book, a 721-page hardcover story collection. "Even if you don't like it," he wrote in an accompanying note, "at least you can kill rats with it."
I'm not finding a dress made of eyes in Chapter 16 -- mouths, yes, and a wig of beetles, and "a gown the colour of storms, shadows and rain and a necklace of broken promises and regrets" -- but maybe you're thinking of another ball scene?
I really liked the scene with Strange and the king. The back-and-forth was really funny.
I saw no ladies pole dancing at the ball, haha. Just joshin' :P
you're right it's mouths! i'm so sorry for confusing anyone. i guess i just remembered it being some weird body part
Joel! I thought the same thing when I first read it...ha!
I also enjoy ms. clark's description of certain things. I especially love when she describes color as emotion! "a necklace of broken promises and regrets" is just beautiful. I want to be able to write like that.
I really loved this way of describing things, too. I want a dress the color of autumn, especially--I think that was my favorite description of something in there. But the necklace sounds amazing, too, and that box the color of heartache. I really like the effect Clarke got by using things we don't normally associate with color to describe magical objects--it just enhances their fantasticalness.
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