Okay, so I went to see 300 on Friday. It was an awesome movie in every respect. It had everything anyone could ever want in a movie. Well, maybe not, but it was still one heck of a movie. I really enjoyed how the special effects made it more a fantasy movie than historical fiction. Does anyone have any comments they could share without completely destroying the movie experience for others?
It was very amazing. Even girls liked it! Im sure that has nothing to do with the 300 sweaty guys in bikinis who all have 8 packs, though. I saw it twice on Friday, haha.
I liked it a lot too...the monsters were cool
Actually, I liked the movie for its artistry, not for the 300 guys with 8 packs! But definitely could be listed as a historical fantasy if that's at all possible, especially the part with the oracle.
I really loved the movie, too! It made me want to go out and kick some ass (can I say ass on here?)...anywho, it was beautifully made...I especially loved the slow motion fight sequences. If you have HBO, I would recommend trying to catch their "HBO First Look: 300"...it really shows you how the director tried to make every frame of the movie like a comic frame out of Frank Miller's graphic novel (that is why a lot of the fight scenes were in slow motion). All in all, a great movie...I could have done without the unneccessary nudity, though...
I had read the graphic novel beforehand and when I saw the movie I was pretty surprised with how many differences there were. I thought pretty much all of the parts with Leonidas's wife in Sparta (which were not in the comics) were totally unnecessary and just served to reflect Frank Miller's post-9/11 conservativism and were a pretty forced commentary in support of the Iraq War which all add up to make an already mediocre comic book an even bigger disappointment from the man who re-wrote what the medium could be with Batman: The Dark Knight Returns..
I thought the action sequences were alright, but they were nothing new (basically Gladiator with a green screen and a slow-motion effect that has not aged well since The Wild Bunch almost 40 years ago) and the movie suffered from poorly focused direction (God forgive us from what Zack Snyder is going to do to The Watchmen - when Terry Gilliam says a movie is unfilmable, don't try) which seemed more interested in getting blood and nudity on the screen than anything else. It is an exploitation film without the knowing wink, a grindhouse film that takes itself seriously. The film also prominently featured blatant xenophobia and racism.
300 is, in my opinion, everything bad about Sin City without all the things that made Sin City great (mainly Robert Rodriguez). It is culinary cuisine at its finest, it aims solely to stimulate the viewers palate and does - yet the viewer's true hunger (ideas) is not sated in the least.
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