Where no fan has gone before
This is mainly for Elizabeth's benefit, but I thought the rest of you would be interested, too: an excellent Wired article on a great collaborative fan project, Star Trek: New Voyages.
And I highly recommend The Call of Cthulhu, the 1920s silent movie that SHOULD have been -- belatedly but thrillingly realized by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society.
And I highly recommend The Call of Cthulhu, the 1920s silent movie that SHOULD have been -- belatedly but thrillingly realized by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society.
Okay, this is probably going to sound pretty stupid, but...
I've been playing on a lot of web forums recently that mention Cthulhu, and I just realized that I keep confusing him (it?) with the FSM and Pastafarianism. Is the FSM actually based on Lovecraft's story, or is it a weird coincidence that just got picked up on?
great article...it is amazing what some people will do. Can you believe that man lives off of his wife's school teacher salary and can still produce $40,000 episodes?! Crazy. You can actually watch the episodes on youtube...their not so bad.
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