"Fairytale Beauty" in Redbook
Here are the images that illustrated Redbook magazine's feature on "Fairytale Beauty" in July 2006. What assumptions are being made about fairy tales, their heroines and the Redbook reader's identification with them? First, "Sleeping Beauty's rested radiance":
Next, "Rapunzel's luxurious locks":
Next, "Snow White's flawless skin":
Finally, "Goldilocks's luminous tresses":

This is interesting to me, probably because of my major (psychology). One of the biggest factors perpetuating eating disorders are images the media disseminates that subtly - or in this case, not so subtly - tell girls you have to be beautiful to get Prince Charming. The search for Mr. Right is something many girls have devoted their lives (and hearts) to, and to be constantly told you're not going to achieve your goal because you don't have "Snow White's flawless skin" or "Goldilocks's luminous tresses" is ridiculous and very damaging for the self-esteen of those girls. As you can see, I have strong personal feelings against an obsessive emphasis on superficial beauty...
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