Night at the Movies
Well, I went to the movies last night originally to see another scary movie but decided on more of a fantasy movie instead. I had heard good reviews about Pan's Labyrinth and with this class in mind I decided to give it a try. Overall the movie was good. I didn't enjoy the storyline that didn't include the fantastic elements of the princess finding her way back to the king of the underworld (not the bad underworld) because it was all about war and quite gruesome at parts. However, there was a faun (pan) that I liked although he looked really frightening. The faun goes on a spiel about not having a name for the young girl Ofelia to call him which reminded me of the discussion about names in class this week. There was definately the fight against good and evil in the real world--with Ofelia's new father being the villian that I thought was rather well played. Just thought I would see if anyone else had seen this movie and thoughts on it.. Oh, and it was all in Spanish with sub-titles which surprisingly didn't take too much away from the story.
That guy was the Spanish Chuck Norris, sewing up his own cheek and then taking multiple shots, geesh. I liked the way that both worlds were woven also, but I was hoping for a little bit more fantasy.
I think one of the worst parts with the Captain was at the beginning when he kept hitting the farmer boy in the nose...over and over and over just smashing his face in...I was cringing! I agree Joel...all I kept looking forward to was that faun coming back...scary looking as he was. I probably wouldn't have liked the movie at all if the ending where she gets to go home wasn't in it.
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