Tuesday, March 20, 2007

March 21 and March 28

By now, all the class members should have received my e-mail explaining that we'll meet for class neither this Wednesday, March 21, nor next Wednesday, March 28 -- though we certainly can discuss all the assigned short stories, and lots more besides, on this blog as much as we like.

Those who have been assigned a particular story can make a substantive post about it here, in place of their classroom observations. And needless to add, those of you who want to talk to me one on one in the meantime can e-mail, call, etc.

I also will post here notes on fantasy and related topics from the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, where I got the chance to talk briefly with Geoff Ryman about his "Hero Kai" story.

The next time I lay eyes on you folks, and vice versa, will
be April 4, the first of our three class sessions devoted to Susanna
Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell. You all will have finished reading that novel by April 4, I'm sure.

I look forward to our ongoing blog discussions, and to seeing you all in April.


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