Wednesday, March 28, 2007

ha-ha-ha...ho-ho-ho...and a couple of tra-la-las...

Horse of a Different Color (That You Rode In On)

Honestly, I don't know what to think of this story. I didn't like it, that is for sure. I just couldn't figure out the plot line. Not to mention, although weird, it wasn't very fantastical. Sure, it alluded to the Holy Grail at some moments, but it just wasn't fantasy to me. Mysterious, yes, fantasy...not quite.

What do y'all think? I guess mysteries and fantasies can overlap. I don't know.

One thing I did enjoy, however, was the 'old-man-ness' of the interviewee, Manny Marks. He reminded me of my grandfather, just talking away about nothing whatsoever. And that is really what the story amounted to...nothing whatsoever.


Blogger Jae said...

I actually liked this story, although, yeah, I'd have to agree I didn't get much fantasy out of it. Still, it was interesting and despite the interview format that I thought I would hate, it really held my interest.

I'd definitely attribute that to the fact that despite the format, the characters still had very definite, visible personalities. Having grown up listening to my own family tell stories, I could relate to Manny Marks and the way he told his own.

6:03 PM  

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